Wednesday, June 18, 2008


NOTE:This is the real story of a 10 years old boy in Maharastra state,dist:nasik,place triambhakeshwar.
i was observing the boy very carefully he was bizzared ,weak physiczlly.He was unable to walk properly may be suffering from some sort of muscular disease.He came to triambakeshwar ,the abode of river Godavari along with his family.
Before going into the details one must know about the location i.e triambakeshwar,well it was the hilly region there is a temple at the top of the hill,the temple was of lord shiva, from there the river godavari originated.So to see the abode of godavari one must climb the hill which is a mile above the sea level.
well now going into the details.................. the boy was like a young claw which has just born ready to run,jump,swing etc.He was full of joy&pleasure,besides this he had a great deal of aggression.Well this boy had his own way towards the top of hill which is almost impossible for this boy but still he want to reach his destiny as usually this boy faced opposition from his family but he never give up his efforts,he started his journey.
His parents were trying to restrict him but he never stopped.He was moving towards his destiny
&he was followed by his parent who were initially thinking of not to climb the hill,actually they were climbing to stop him.
Ultimately he reached his destiny not only he but also his entire family reached the top of hill(abode of godhavari) .Initially his family thought that it is impossible to reach it but what made that boy to reach his destiny.
Unfortunately the boy was non other than Mr.Rohit...................................................................................................................................................................................

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